Internet Lynx, ABN 84 678 097 199, is a business wholly owned and operated by Chris Cheers. This has certain advantages - when you pick up the phone or click on the "Live Help" link you will very likely find yourself connected immediately to the manager and technical specialist of the business (also the chief cook and bottle washer!).
The business has been operating since 1999 and has grown steadily since then, while still remaining managable by one person. Manpower overloads are handled by trusted subcontractors with all work being checked by Chris personally. Continued growth is planned in the same way.
Chris is by training a mechanical engineer with a BA degree from Cambridge University, a PhD by research at Loughborough University and several patents covering developments in ultrasonics and high-speed machinery. He left the UK and the engineering rat-race in 1999 to live in Australia and start his own business. Apart from Internet Lynx he also provides long-distance consultancy in ultrasonics to clients around the world and occasionally works towards completing his owner-built house.
Chris married Fiona, an Australian and a "real" doctor in 2003.