Great value Australian and international domain name registration

We offer discounted domain name registration to all design and hosting clients. To order a new domain name or transfer an existing one please complete a trouble ticket or e-mail us. Transfers should be requested at least 6 weeks before expiry. Transfers are free but you will need to purchase a renewal for at least the minimum term (1 or 2 years).

Discount domain registration prices:
TLDTerm (years)Common uses
123510 - $66 - - - Australian commercial - $66 - - - Australian network / commercial - $22 - - - Australian non-profit (enforced) - $55 - - - Australian association - $44 - - - Australian individual $44 $66 $95 $150 $270 Australian commercial alternative
.com $40 $60 $90 $140 $250 International commercial
.net $40 $60 $90 $140 $250 International network / commercial
.org $40 $60 $90 $140 $250 International non-profit / other $50 $80 $120 $200 $400 New Zealand commercial $50 $80 $120 $200 $400 New Zealand network / commercial $50 $80 $120 $200 $400 New Zealand non-profit / other - $66 - - - UK commercial - $66 - - - UK non-profit / other
.tv $140 $250 $360 $550 $1050 Specialized commercial

Notes: Highlights indicate the TLDs we recommend Aussie businesses should consider registering first. Restrictions apply to .au domains. Other domains are available including China (.cn) .info and .biz.

To order a domain name or request a transfer please send us an e-mail or trouble ticket indicating the name and term (years) you wish to order. If you want to order a domain name for a new hosting account please order the hosting first (using the domain you plan to register) and then request domain registration. Domain registration services are only available to web design / hosting clients.

ABN: 84 678 097 199 :: Phone: 02 4017 0793 :: E-mail
domain name registration for Australian businesses